Musical Settings (VI): Xiao Youmei 蕭友梅 and Yi Weizhai 易韋齋

This entry is part 28 of 35 in the series Chinese Art Song

After setting “The Great River Flows Eastwards 大江東去” by Su Shi 蘇軾 to music in 1920, Qing Zhu 青主 focused on his political career and did not write any new works until the early 1930s. Meanwhile, as part of the cultural reform movement, other western-educated composers began creating songs with newly written lyrics. Xiao Youmei 蕭友梅 (1884-1940) and Yi Weizhai 易韋齋 (1874-1941) were pioneers of such works.

Xiao received his music education first in Japan (1901-1909) and later in Germany (1912-1919).[1] With a firm conviction of the power of music as a medium in character building, he devoted his time and effort in promoting music education after returning to China. While in Beijing, he founded and led the Music and Physical Education Department of Beijing Women’s Higher Normal College 北京女子高等師範學校 (1920), The Music Training and Research Institute affiliated to Beijing University 北京大學附屬音樂傳習所 (1922), and Music Department at Beijing National Arts College 北京國立藝術專門學校音樂系 (1926).[2] With the support of Cai Yuanpei 蔡元培, Xiao established the National Conservatory of Music 國立音樂專科學校—today’s Shanghai Conservatory of Music—in Shanghai in 1927.

Keenly aware of the need for teaching materials which were suitable for Chinese students in modern time, Xiao joined forces with lyricist Yi Weizhai to create songs, using Western harmony and newly written words. Jinyue chuji《今樂初集》 [First Collection of Todays Music] (1922) and Xinyue chuji 《新樂初集》 [First Collection of New Music] (1923) were the results of their collaboration.

___Yi Weizhai 易韋齋 (1874-1941)[3]

Born Yi Tingxi 易廷熹 on March 13, 1874, in Heshan, Guangdong 廣東鶴山, Yi received his early literary training at Guangya Academy 廣雅書院and was a disciple of phonologist Chen Li 陳澧.[4] After attending Aurora University 震旦書院[5] in Shanghai briefly, he went to Japan, studying languages and education.[6] A litterateur, Yi was also gifted in painting and calligraphy, and was especially known for his seal carving 篆刻.

Yi Weizhai and Xiao Youmei both studied in Japan during the first decade of the twentieth century and were active in revolutionary movements led by Sun Yat-sen.[7] After the Xinhai Revolution in 1912, they both held secretarial positions at the Presidential Office of the Provisional Government of the Republic of China in Nanking.[8] Their paths crossed again in the 1920s in Beijing where they were both teaching at various higher education institutions.[9]

Xiao was known for his uncompromising integrity and professionalism. Yi, on the other hand, despite his talents and knowledge, handled daily affairs and his career with a laissez-faire attitude. Their mutual interest in creating new style lyrics and songs brought them together.[10] Xian’s niece Xiao Shuxian 蕭淑嫻 recalled that, her uncle and Mr. Yi bought a small house in the western suburb near the Summer Palace 頤和園 as their pied-à-terre and studio. During summer months, each occupying one room, Yi wrote the lyrics and Xiao composed the songs and the piano accompaniments. Every time they completed two or three songs, they would bring the new works back to the city, asking friends and relatives to try them out.[11]

___Jinyue chuji《今樂初集》

Jinyue chuji, the first collection of the Xiao-Yi collaboration, was published by the Commercial Press in October 1922 and reprinted in November of the following year.[12] Among the twenty selections, three of them were for two-part chorus; three for three parts. The last four pieces were about women’s education and empowerment.

With the exception of a forward by Huang Jie 黃節[13], the entire volume, including the front-page art, music scores and texts, was hand-crafted by Yi Weizhai: the texts were in traditional calligraphy; the music in western staff notation. It was then produced using photographic printing process. On the one hand, it exposed the challenges that all the proponents of western music in China encountered during this period. On the other hand, it showcased the modernized printing technology which was instrumental in advancing new cultural development.

To fully appreciate the concept and the content of this collection, it is necessary to examine both the Preface and the Editorial Summary, both written by Yi in Classical Chinese:


I believe that our musical culture has never been declining more than the present day. Our forefathers educated people in three sets of disciplines— [six virtues, six principles of conduct, and six skills][14], music was one of the six skills. Ancient books were largely comprised of rhymed verses. It was understood back then that [musical] sounds were derived from one’s heart, without meaningless differentiation between social classes. In later times, cultivated music was monopolized by the ruling class. For the commoners, music was lessened to folk tunes. The literary creations of poets, henceforth, could not all be set to music. On the other hand, impertinent songs with plebeian texts proliferated and spread all over the country. The inundation causes one to feel nothing but sad and fatigue. I came to the north last year and reconnected with Mr. Xiao Youmei who invited me to write short lyrics. He then set them to music. The works were rather amicable. Therefore, we taught them to the students at the Beijing Women’s Higher Normal College. The effect was quite elegant and lovely. So, we continued the work and resulted in a number of pieces. Mr. Sun Zhong 孫壯[15]from Da Xing 大興noticed and appreciated them. Through his firm, the Commercial Press, he photo-engraved the works to share with teachers nationwide. I named this collection “The First,” as to carry on, and to gather comments for expansion and improvements. As I and Mr. Xiao each completed our editorial work, I, thus, encapsulated the essence of the collection.
___In the year of rénxū,[16] Yi Weizhai


吾以為樂之銷沈,未有甚於此時者也。前人以鄉三物 [六德、六行、六藝][17] 教民,樂為六藝之一。古書多有韵之文,其時知聲由心生,無上下貴賤妄生分别。後世樂私於君,下此者夷於謠諺,詩人文之,乃不能盡被弦管,而謠肆之聲、僿俚之辭,起而徧國中,横流第使人哀乏矣。余年前北來,重值蕭君友梅,約為短歌,君譜之聲。甚龤,乃以授北京女高師諸生,無甚婉渺,由是繼作,遂得如干首。大興孫君壯,見而善之,介其商務書館,得而影印,以餉海內教席。余謂此為初桄,賡此而起,又弥思增善也。今與蕭君各自寫㝎[18],略其概於此。
___壬戌 易韋齋

Editorial Summary

1. The majority of works in this collection are suitable for applications in middle schools and above. For higher primary schools, public schools, elementary schools, etc., there will be further editions to be published subsequently.

2. Lyrics and music in this collection are all newly composed. Old sources were referenced but not plagiarized.

3. In our country, graduates from secondary schools and junior normal colleges were often afraid of being singing teachers. And there were many of them who could not read music. This was because when they were in school, even though there were music courses, there were, unfortunately, no appropriate instructional materials. Hence their instructors frequently used English songs and texts. This was a big mistake. Students surely were not yet able to comprehend the meaning of the texts thoroughly and to pronounce the words accurately. Using such materials, how would it be possible to arouse their interest in singing[?] Mindful of such mistakes, the songs in this collection are written in Chinese only, so that students will not waste effort on language barriers, thus can be more focused and benefit more effectively.

4. Occasionally, idioms and historical references are used in the lyrics of this collection. Originally, we planned to provide annotation for each of them. Yet, since there were no obscure or incomprehensible references, and due to publication deadlines, this task, therefore, would wait until a later time.

5. Lyrics do not have to be restricted by rhymes but should never be without rhymes. Applications of rhymes in the texts of this collection were done with scrutiny and intense care. Those who recognize such efforts would certainly appreciate it.

6. Incorrect interpretation of the texts of songs will lead to misunderstanding. Hopefully, the public will interpret them correctly and critique them with a righteous attitude.

7. In music scores, to accommodate singers, words are dispersed and placed near the notes; thus, disrupting the structure and flow of sentences and verse, making it inconvenient to the literary aficionados. Therefore, the lyrics are gathered in a separate attachment at the end of the collection, ready to be examined by literary connoisseurs.

8. [descriptive], [comparative], xing [derivative] were three of the six disciplines of classical poetry. Each song text in this collection is also based on these three approaches and carries subtle nuances. Metaphorical admonitions concealed in the verses are mostly gentle satires. Instructors and students both can obtain the messages by associating the words with current events.

9. Currently, the music in the song collections used in our schools are mostly based on foreign tunes. Since most lyricists are not familiar with musical applications, verses often do not match musical phrases. This is one of the major reasons that elementary and middle school students lack interest in singing courses. The music in this collection was composed based on the meaning of the verses. Naturally, there will be no conflicts between music and words.

10. Our traditional music always favored minor scales; therefore, the sound was often melancholy. If we wish to enhance our music, we must move to using major keys (major scales). Because their sounds are uplifting and exuberant, easily making one feel excited. Following this logic, this collection uses only major keys in the scoring. Except for #F and bG, the other eleven keys were all included in the music. This can also offer students opportunities to practice key identification and notation. As for music in minor keys, they will be used later in future collections.

11. The musical contents of this collection are, tentatively, organized by categories. When used in teaching, one should arrange the order, taking into account the students’ level. In general, songs with longer texts (such as “Tang Shan,” “Benyuan,” etc.) and songs in which the vocal lines do not match the accompaniments (such as “Years”) should be taught last. For students who are not able to identify keys, naturally, pieces in keys with fewer flats and/or sharps should be taught first; ones with more signs later. Before students are familiar with one key, it is not suitable to teach them a second key—to avoid confusion.

12. “Poetry is to convey one’s aspiration.” Therefore, when singing a piece, it is necessary to be able to express the meaning of the lyrics. On the upper left corner of each song in this collection, expression terms (such as “majestic,” “joyful”) are given. We hope that the instructors will pay special attention to these terms.

13. The performance tempos differ from song to song. In this collection, following the expression terms, a tempo range (such as ♩ = 60, ♩ = 80) is marked. Please be mindful of these markings.

14. Currently, [western-styled] music in our country is still in its infancy. Most singers do not like accidental half-steps (or modulations). This is due to a lack of practice. In order to ease into chromatic singing, modulation only occurs in the second section of “Tang Shan.” The other pieces are all sung in the original key throughout. Pieces with chromatic applications will gradually increase in later productions.


一. 此集大部分,是適用於中等以上學校[;] 高小、國民、蒙學、各校,以次編箸,相繼出版。

二. 此集歌、曲, 俱是創作,用古有之,襲舊則無。

三. 我國中學,及初級師範畢業,往往憚於為唱歌教授,並多有未諳看譜者。其故由於在校時,雖有此科,苦嘸適當教材。乃其教之者,恆授以英文歌詞,是大謬也。學者於歌意,固未滲透解,即發音亦未能準確,執此教材,如何能引起唱歌興味[?] 今編此集,鑑此謬誤,特純用國文成歌,冀學者不他鹜而收實益。

四. 本集歌詞中,間有成語、及古事。本擬一一注出,但尚無奧僻難解者,以出版時間關係,此事遂俟異日。

五. 歌不必執泥於韵,但萬不能無韵。本集歌詞,用韵極攷核斟酌,識者玩之。

六. 歌之詞句,若加曲解,必生誤會。幸世人以正確之眼光觀之,以端嚴之態度,批評之,繩糾之。

七. 譜中歌詞,取便唱者,依音注字,歌之形式遂亡。專玩歌詞者,頗感不便。因別附歌集一束於後,備嗜文辭者鑒焉。

八. 賦、比、興,為詩六藝之三。本集各歌,亦體此三藝,均有弦外之意。主文譎錬,所謂婉而諷者居多。教者學者,均可於其時其事二者加之領會,則得之矣。

九. 現在吾國學校,所用歌集,其曲譜多採自外國。苐填詞者,多非諳樂理之人,致詞句每於樂句,不能針對。此亦為吾國中小學生對於歌唱一科,興味缺乏之一大原因。本集曲譜,純是比按歌意,創作而成[。] 自無詞曲互舛之處。

十. 吾國固有樂曲,向來善用小音階,故其聲多萎靡不振。欲改良吾國音樂,非改用大調不可 (即大音階)。以其聲多發揚蹈厲,易令人興起也。本集即根據此理,純用大調製譜。除大 #F 大 bG 兩調外,餘十一調,均以之入譜。藉此又可以與學者以練習辯調記譜之機會。至於小音階曲譜,當於次集以後用之。

十一. 本集內容,暫依歌之種類為次序。教時[,] 當依學生之程度,斟酌先後。大約較長之歌詞,(如湯山、本願 等) 及歌曲與伴奏不同者,(如 [年] 之類) 均應最後教授。對於未能辯調之學生,自應先授調號較少之曲,調號多者均應緩授。至於學生未認熟甲調之先,不宜即授乙調,防混亂也。

十二. 詩以言志,故凡唱一曲,須能將歌中含意,發表出來。本集各歌之左端,均用表情術, (如雄壯、喜樂、之類) 標明於上。希望教者,特加注意。

十三. 各歌唱奏,速度不一。本集於表情術語之後,即記明速度標準 (如 ♩ = 60, ♩ = 80 等) 亦希望注意。

十四. 吾國音樂,現尚幼稚,歌者多不喜臨時唱半音 (或轉調)。此皆由於缺少練習之故。本集為逐漸輸入唱半音起見,只於 [湯山] 歌,第二段轉調。餘均用本調歌唱,俟續出再以次增加此項有半音之歌曲。

Having spent years in Japan, both Xiao and Yi would have been familiar with “school songs” 學堂樂歌 created by Zeng Zhimin 曾志忞 (1879-1929), Shen Xingong 沈心工 (1870-1947), and Li Shutong 李叔同 (1880-1942).[19] Although some of these educational songs were written by the musicians, most of them were adaptations of existing western or Japanese songs, fitted with Chinese words. While they both wished to make singing a crucial part of secondary school curriculum, they disagreed with borrowing foreign music and words. Hence, they created a collection of new school songs with western-styled music and new-style lyrics.

As a poet, Yi favored the works of Liu Yong 柳永 and Wu Wenying 吳文英—both representatives of the wanyue 婉約 [delicate and demure] style of the Song Dynasty. He was known to have followed the versification in their works, especially the tone patterns, strictly in his own poems. [20] The literary contents in Jinyue chuji, the front matter narrations and the lyrics, were clear indications that Yi was not able to shake off the traditional influences even when attempting to create new-style works. The song texts were caught between Classical verses and plain language, difficult to understand and awkward to sing.

Despite its initial success, Jinyue chuji quickly faded into history. The songs in the collection were mostly forgotten. Critics often blamed Yi’s lyrics for this outcome. Nonetheless, as the music in the collection was written to fit the words, the composer should be equally responsible for the results.

As Yi mentioned, western-style music was in its infancy when the collection was written. One could also relate to the need to introduce the theory and practice to the students step by step. Avoiding minor keys all together so that the music would be uplifting and moral-strengthening seemed to be an extreme approach. Staying in one key throughout each song would certainly limit the emotional transitions and development.

Xiao’s music writing was also problematic. While simple melodies without chromatic patterns were convenient for beginners, they were, in most cases, not very interesting. The melodic contour often did not reflect the linguistic tones; the key words in the verses did not match the rhythmic stresses. Perhaps because of Xiao’s contribution to music education in China, there had been scarcely any negative commentary on his composition. In recent years, critics such as Meng Wentao began wondering, based on the disconnection between the lyrics and the musical contents, whether some of the melodies in the Xiao-Yi collections were composed first, and the words were fitted later.[21]

Jinyue chuji was followed by Xinyue chuji 《新樂初集》 (1923), a twenty-five-song collection based on the same editorial format, and three volumes of teaching materials including sight-singing exercises, entitled Xinxuezhi changge jiaokeshu 《新學制唱歌教科書》 [Singing Textbooks for the New School System] (1924).[22] From today’s point of view, the Xiao-Yi collections lack artistic value. As historical testaments, they reflect the struggles of intellectuals, individually and collectively, in a country striving to move away from traditions and finding its footing in the modern world.

When Xiao Youmei established the National Conservatory of Music in Shanghai in 1927, Yi joined the faculty, teaching Chinese and poetry. Together, they influenced a new generation of composers and lyricists.

[1] With a dissertation entitled, “Eine geschichtliche Untersuchung über das chinesische Orchester bis zum 17. Jahrhundert (Historical Research on the Pre-Seventeenth Century Chinese Orchestra),” Xiao received his Ph.D. at Königliches Konservatorium der Musik zu Leipzig (now Hochschule für Musik und Theater “Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy” Leipzig) in 1916. He was the first Chinese student to obtain a doctoral degree abroad.
[2] In older references, “Peking” would be used instead of “Beijing.”
[3] In addition to Weizhai 韋齋, Yi had an unusually long list of art names and aliases including Xi 熹, Ru孺, Ziru 子孺, Daan 大厂 (大庵), Daan jushi 大庵居士. This poses a challenge in consolidating references in his life and achievements. The name Xi熹 appears often in references on his work as a painter, calligrapher and seal maker uses the name; for his literary works, Weizhai 韋齋 or Daan 大厂 (大庵).
[4] Guangdong_Guangya_High_School_Wiki, Chen_Li_(scholar)_Wiki
[5] Aurora_University_(Shanghai)_Wiki
[6] The exact timeline of Yi’s educations was not clear. However, he would have been at Aurora University after 2003 and have completed his study in Japan by 1912 around the time of Xinhai Revolution.
[7] Xiao joined Tongmenghui 同盟會 and worked closely with Sun. Yi became a member of Nanshe 南社 [South(ern) Society], a literary society founded by members of Tongmenghui.
[8] Provisional_Government_of_the_Republic_of_China_(1912)_Wiki
[9] Yi taught at [Beijing] Higher Normal College 北平高等師範 and The Music Training and Research Institute.
[10] Long Muxun 龍沐勛, a younger contemporary and colleague of Xiao and Yi, gave vivid accounts of their lives and works in his articles, Yuetan Huaijolu 樂壇懷舊錄 [Nostalgia of Music World]. Qiushi Monthly 求是月刊, vol. 1, no. 2 (1944): 16-19 and Yuetan Huaijolu 樂壇懷舊錄續 [Nostalgia of Music World Continued]. Qiushi Monthly 求是月刊, vol. 1, no. 4 (1944): 18-25.
[11] Xiao Shuxian 蕭淑嫻, “Hueiyi wode shufu Xiao Youmei: Xiao Youmei de jiating han tade yoxue shenghuo” 回憶我的叔父蕭友梅:蕭友梅的家庭和他的遊學生活 [Remembering My Uncle Xiao Youmei: Xiao Youmei’s Family and His Academic Life], Wenhua shiliao cóngkang 文化史料叢刊, vol. 5 (1983): 32.
[12] Since its founding in 1897, the Commercial Press 商務印書館, has grown into one of the most influential private enterprises in both industrial and cultural advancements.
The_Commercial_Press_Wiki 中華印刷通史, 近代篇
[14] The three disciplines were not listed in Yi’s original text. The three sets of disciplines were explained in Zhou li, Diguan Situ [The Rites of Zhou, Offices of Earth]. 周禮/地官司徒: 以鄉三物教萬民而賓興之:一曰六德,知、仁、聖、義、忠、和;二曰六行,孝、友、睦、姻、任、恤;三曰六藝,禮、樂、射、御、書、數。
[15] Sun Zhong 孫壯 (1879-1943), courtesy name Boheng 伯恆, was, at the time, the manager of the Beijing branch of the Commercial Press.
[16] The year of 1922, Sexagenary_cycle_Wiki. 1922 was an important year of National Education Reform. A new school system, known as Renxu School System, was implemented to extend the years of schooling—six years of primary school; three, lower secondary and three, upper secondary, and to strengthen vocational and science education.壬戌學制
[17] See note 13.
[18] 㝎=定
[19] The Call of Modernity: Chinese School Songs in the Early Twentieth Century, by ZhiZhi Li.
[20] Long, Yuetan Huaijolu, 21-22.
[21] Meng Wentao 孟文濤, Zhongguo jinxiandai gequ chuangzuoshi zhong yige teshu jinjian shili—Shiyi Xiao Youmei yu Yi Weizhai hexie gequzhong de ciqu jiehe wenti 中國近現代歌曲創作史中一個特殊僅見事例 [My Opinion About Xiao Youmei’s Art Song], Huangzhong, Journal of Wuhan Conservatory of Music 黃鍾, 武漢音樂學院學報, 2005 (2): 26- 30. The English title, not a direct translation of the Chinese one, was used in the English abstract.
[22] Xinyue chuji 《新樂初集》 was reprinted in October 1925. An edition with new print setting and a few changed in the front matters was brought forward in 1934. The “New School System” specification in Xinxuezhi changge jiaokeshu 《新學制唱歌教科書》 would have been the “Renxu System,” implemented in 1922. See note 15.

Musical Settings (III): Diction

This entry is part 25 of 35 in the series Chinese Art Song

For thousands of years, Classical Chinese was the unique written language for literary and documentary works alike. On the other hand, due to the vastness of the land and the geographic attributes—especially those of major rivers and mountains, there was no common spoken language in China. Under the umbrella of Sinitic languages, spoken by the Han 漢 people, there were numerous branches of dialects including Mandarin 官話, Jin 晉, Wu 吳, Xiang 湘, Min 閩, and Hakka 客家, to name a few. Each of them was further divided into a great number of regional tongues.[1] More than accentual variants, these dialects share few commonalities and were mostly unintelligible to outsiders.[2]

Zhao Yuanren recounted his linguistic experiences as a young person: His family communicated in northern dialects. However, the old masters who taught him poetry and Classical literature spoke southern dialects. For a long time, he thought that northern tongues were for daily conversations, and only the southern dialects were to be used in reciting literature.[3]

Efforts were made in early 1920s to unify the spoken languages.[4]  A standardized system based on the Peking (Beijing) dialect was established to be the “national language” 國語.[5] The pronunciation principle of this language would form the foundation for proper diction in Chinese art songs.

In the following discussions, transliterations in pinyin (in italics), Romanization and Zhuyin will be quoted in brackets. For convenience and clarity, instead of diacritical marks, numbers will be used for tone indications in pinyin. When IPA symbols were used for clarification, they will be marked with slashes. The tone numbers in IPA—55, 35, 214, 51— are based on the tone letter system devised by Zhao Yuanren. Further details can be found in later sections of this article

When learning texts in western languages, singers often rely heavily on the spelling combinations and the pronunciation principles of each language. Due to some unique linguistic practices, when studying Chinese texts, in addition to knowing the sounds of consonants and vowels and learning to differentiate tones, several lexical semantics must be taken into consideration.

–Literary vs colloquial

Certain Chinese words have literary and colloquial pronunciations. While the choice of pronunciation will not alter the meaning of the text, it highlights the style. The language of refined literature should not be equated to colloquial Pekingese. While modern pronunciation is suitable for vernacular poems, modifications should be applied to traditional poetry. For example:

還, when meaning “still,” is pronounced [hai2] in daily usage. For poetic reading, it is pronounced [huan2].[6] The well-known verse “乍暖還寒時候” in Li Qingzhao’s “shēng-shēng-màn” 聲聲慢 should be read as: [zha4 nuan3 huan2 han2 shi2 hou4]. The final words in Su Shì’s “The Great River Flows Eastwards” 大江東去should be “一樽還酹江月” [yi4 zun1 huan2 lei4 jiang1 yue4]. Zhao Yuanren suggested a third pronunciation [han2], derived from southern mandarin, for 還 in his songs as it would be less casual but not too traditional.[7]

The conversational pronunciation of the adverb 了 is /lə/[8] in neutral tone—light and staccato. In literature, it is often pronounced as [liao3] in the third tone. The possessive particle 的 is spoken as /də/ in neutral tone. In lyrics, especially when legato e espressivo, it will be read as [di]. The conversational pronunciation of the conjunction 和 (meaning “and”) is [han4]. The literary version is /hə35/ in the second tone.

__Heteronyms 破音字

There are endless heteronyms in Chinese language. It would be necessary to understand the usages of words in context. Following are a few frequently used characters and their various pronunciations and meanings:

When meaning “obtain,” “receive,” “suitable,” or “content,” /də35/ in the second tone, [de2]
“Must,” [dei3] in the third tone
Used as an adverb, it is pronounced as /də/ in neutral tone.
In traditional literature, it would be read as /də35/, [de2]. Li’s “shēng-shēng-màn” would end with 了得 [liao3 de2].

“Target,” or “aim,” is pronounced [di4].
“Certain,” or “truly,” it will be in the second tone as [di2].

“Peace,” “ease,” or “smooth,” is pronounced /hə35/, [he2]
“To respond,” “to be in concert with,” “to echo,” /hə51/, [he4]
“Mix,” or “combine,” [huo4][12]
“Warm,” [huo5] in neutral tone.

Noun, a two-hour division of night, marked by gongs of sentry,” /kɤŋ⁵⁵/, [geng1].[14] Colloquially, [jing1]. “挨不明更漏” in Cáo Xuěqín’s “Verses of Red Beans” 曹雪芹, 紅豆詞should be read as [ai2 bu4 ming2 geng1 lou4].
Verb, “change,” “alternate,” /kɤŋ⁵⁵/, [geng1]
“More,” “further,” /kɤŋ51/, [geng4]

Noun, “tune,” “melody,” or a poetic form, [qu3]
Adjective, “bend,” or “curvy,” [qu1]

Once the syntax was understood, phonetic characteristics also require careful handling and adjustments in singing.

__Phonetic symbols and transliterations

Phonetic symbols were devised to classify and transcribe sounds. As supplementary tools, they can be helpful to beginners. However, with great limitations, phonetic symbols are no substitute to linguistic study.

Most Classical musicians are familiar with International Phonetic Alphabets. In European languages, the symbols largely resemble the corresponding letters, thus not too difficult to apply. The same cannot be said for symbols used to mark Chinese sounds. In some cases, these symbols can be used for differentiation and clarification. Otherwise, they should be reserved for linguists and phonologists.[16]

There are several systems of Chinese Romanizations—using Latin alphabets to transliterate Chinese characters.[17] The earliest system was created by the Jesuits in the 16th century. The Wade-Giles system developed in the late 19th century was the first to be used universally.[18] The Yale romanization of Mandarin was devised for teaching Chinese to westerners, especially American soldiers in mid-20th century.[19] Although both the Wade-Giles and the Yale systems have been largely replaced by Hanyu pinyin, the former is still used in transliteration of proper names in Taiwan; the latter, in western textbooks.

Among transliteration systems created by native Chinese, three are most noteworthy: Zhùyin fúhàu 注音符號, Gwoyeu Romatzyh 國語羅馬字, and Hànyǔ Pinyin 漢語拼音.

In the last decades of the Qing Dynasty, as part of the initiative to promote literacy, linguists and educators tried their hands on building a transliteration system. On June 10, 1908, Zhang Taiyan presented two sets of symbols in his article “駁中國用萬國新語説” (“Refuting the Discourse of Using Esperanto in China”) in 《民報》Min Bao (People’s Newspaper)—a revolutionary paper published in Tokyo.[20] Inspired by the application of Katakana, a Japanese syllabary system derived from radicals of Chinese characters, Zhang patterned his phonetic symbols on ancient seal script 小篆.[21] The first set of symbols are thirty-six niǒu-wén 紐文, representing initials/consonants; the second, twenty-two yùn-wén 韵文, rhymes/final/vowels.[22]

In 1912, the temporary government in Beijing 北洋政府 established The Commission on the Unification of Pronunciation 讀音統一會 led by Wu Zhihui 吳稚暉.[23] Adopting fifteen symbols created by Zhang Taiyan and, with the same approach, adding new ones, the Commission proposed a set of thirty-nine symbols, Zhùyin zìmǔ (phonetic alphabets, 注音字母). After dropping a few symbols used only in dialects, the Ministry of Education of the Republic government formally published of thirty-six symbols in 1918. The system went through several modifications and was rename Zhùyin fúhàu (phonetic symbols) in 1930.[24]

These symbols are the most direct references to the phonology of Mandarin Chinese. On the other hand, their nonuniversal features make its application challenging for westerners. Replaced by Hànyǔ pinyin in China, these symbols are still in use in Taiwan and have been adopted for use in a few dialects.

Rather than a phonological system, Gwoyeu Romatzyh 國語羅馬字 (GR) was designed to be a writing system of Chinese words. Conceptualized by Lin Yutang 林語堂 and developed by Zhao Yuanren between 1926 and 1928, GR was characterized by its “tonal spelling”—an intricate and strict spelling system as indicators for the four tones in Mandarin.[25]

Zhao explained the system in the “Lyric Diction” section of his New Poetry Songbook to the readers/musicians and provided a list of spelling for all 480 words appeared in the collection.[26] In most cases, tonal indication letters were added to the basic spelling of the words. These letters were not sound components and, therefore, would not alter the pronunciations of the original consonants and vowels. The voiced consonant m, n, l, r in the first tone would be written as mh, nh, lh, rh. The second tone would often be indicated by an added “r” after the vowel. Double vowels such as aa-, ee-, ii-, uu, are indicators of the given vowels in the third tone. Double consonants, e.g., nn- and ll-, signaling the fourth tone.

In other cases, alternating letters would be used: Initial i-, u-, and iu- only occurs in the first tone. They would be changed to y-, w-, y(u) in the second and the fourth tones, and to e-, o- in the third. Certain combination of vowels would require further modifications.[27]

The other significant feature of GR is the combination of words into meaningful units without separating them with spaces. The initial verse of “The Great River Flows Eastwards,” 大江東去, 浪淘盡, would be presented as: [dahjiang dongchiuh lanqtaurjinn]

GR was published by the Republic government as the standard spelling system in 1928. Zhao used the system in his Mandarin Primer (1948) and Grammar of Spoken Chinese (1968). Lin Yutang used it in his Chinese-English Dictionary of Modern Usage (1972).[28] Yet, the cumbersome spelling rules made its application challenging to most users.

The most widely known and universally adopted Chinese spelling system is Hànyǔ pinyin (literally, Han language spelling/spelt sounds). Its roots can be traced back to Beifangxua Latinxua Sin Wenz 北方話拉丁化新文字 (Latinized new script of the northern language) developed by Soviet Scientific Research Institute on China between 1928 and 1931. The system was endorsed by many Chinese intellectuals including Lu Xun 魯迅, Cai Yuanpei 蔡元培, Sun Ke 孫科, and Guo Moruo.郭沫若 and was used in over three hundred publications.

In the early 1940s, Sin Wenz was popularized in the communist-controlled Shaan-Gan-Ning Border Region 陝甘寧邊區.[29] On December 25, 1940, the administration of the SGNBR decreed that Sin Wenz should have the same legal status as the traditional characters.[30] However, it quickly went out of fashion.

After taking control of China in 1949, the Chinese Communist Party embarked on language reform and established State Language Committee 國家語言文字工作委員會immediately. In addition to promote Pǔtōnghua (普通話 standard Mandarin) and simplifying the traditional characters, the Committee also took on the task of developing a Romanized writing system. A group of linguists, led by Zhou Youguang, constructed Hànyǔ pinyin. Its spelling system was based on GR and Sin Wenz. The tone diacritics were taken from Zhuyin. Pinyin was approved 1958 by People’s Congress and adopted by International Organization for Standardization as an international standard writing system in 1982.

Transliterations of Chinese characters, be it in GR, Sin Wenz or Pinyin, can be helpful tools for non-native speakers, especially English or European language speakers. Nevertheless, when the letters are used to represent sounds that do not exist in western language, they can easily lead to mispronunciations. Similar to IPA, they should be used as supplementary tools and with great care.

__Syllabic consonants

A syllabic consonant is a consonant that forms an individual syllable, such as the “l” in “bottle,” the “m” in “rhythm,” and the “ng” in “morning.” There are seven syllabic consonants in standard Chinese. They are: zi-, ci-, si-, zhi-, chi-, shi-, ri in pinyin; and/orㄗㄘㄙㄓㄔㄕㄖin Zhuyin symbols.[31]; All of them are apical consonants, produced by sending air through a narrow passage between tongue, alveolar ridge, and teeth.

[Zi-/ㄗ] is similar to “-ds” in “beds;” [ci-/ㄘ], “-ts” in “cats;” and [si-/ㄙ], “s” in “Sam.” To pronounce these sounds perfectly, the tongue position must be flat and with the tip against the lower teeth.

The sound of [Zhi-/ㄓ] is closed to “-ge” in “judge;” [chi-/ㄔ], the initial sound of “church;” and [shi-/ㄕ], “shirt.” To distinguish these sounds from the western ones, the tip of the tongue should be rolled up, touching the hard palate right behind the teeth. This movement should be gentle and will carry the sides of tongue up, shaping the tongue like a cupped hand.

Ri/ ㄖsounds like the “r” in “round.” Nonetheless, the lips do not need to be rounded when pronouncing ri/ㄖ.

When combined with various vowels, these consonants are marked as /t͡s/, /t͡sʰ/, /s/, /ʈ͡ʂ/, /ʈ͡ʂʰ/, /ʂ/ and /ɻ̩/ in IPA. When standing alone, after the initial sound, they become voiced—/t͡sz̩/, /t͡sʰz̩/, /sz̩/, /ʈ͡ʂz̩/, /ʈ͡ʂʰz̩/, /ʂz̩/ and /ɻ̩-z̩/–and ending with a shallow vowel sound, which is unmarked in Zhuyin, marked as “i” in pinyin, “y” in GR, and /ɨ/ in IPA.

In singing, keeping the voiced /z̩/ vibrate consistently can help carrying the sound. Zhao Yuanren had suggested to open the shallow vowel to a schwa, or to an “i” sound for 日. These adjustments need to be done with gentle touch so not to lose the natural sounds of the words.

Since Chinese is a syllabic language, each of these sounds can represent many different words/characters. Some of them are extremely common:

子, [zi3, ㄗˇ], “son,” “child”
詞, [ci2, ㄘˊ], “word combination,” “lyrics,” “ci poetry”
思, [si1, ㄙˉ], “to think,” “to miss”
絲, [si1, ㄙˉ], “silk,” “thread”
知, [zhi1, ㄓˉ], “to know,” “knowledge”
只, [zhi3, ㄓˇ], “only”
吃, [chi1, ㄔˉ], “to eat”
師, [shi1, ㄕˉ], “teacher,” “master,” “to learn”
失, [shi1, ㄕˉ], “to lose,” “to fail,” “lost,” “failure”
十, [shi2, ㄕˊ], “ten”
石, [shi2, ㄕˊ], “stone,” “rock”
時, [shi2, ㄕˊ], “time,” “hour,” “season”
日, [ri4, ㄖˋ], “sun,” “day”

__Voiceless consonants

With the exceptions of /m/, /n/, /l/ and /r/, all Chinese consonances are voiceless.[32] In European languages letters b-/p-, d-/t-, and g-/k typically represent pairs of voiced/voiceless sounds. In GR and pinyin, they are used to differentiate unaspirated and aspirated sounds.
Letter [b-] in pinyin is marked /p/ in IPA—voiceless bilabial plosive, and ㄅin Zhuyin. It sounds like the “p” in “speak.”
[d-,] /t/—voiceless denti-alveolar plosives, and ㄉ, as “t” in “study.”
[g-,] /k/—voiceless velar plosive, and ㄐ, as “ch” in “school.”

__Initials and finals

In ancient Chinese lexicon, dúruò (讀若, sounds-as/reads-as [another word]) was used to indicate the pronunciation of words. By the third century, a new method fǎnqiē 反切 was developed to replace the direct-comparison method. It became the standard method used in Middle Chinese rhyme dictionaries.[33]

In fǎnqiē, the sound of each character would derive from two other characters: The initial/onset of the first character, and the final as well as the tone of the second. This dichotomic division (without considering the tone) is still adopted in the phonological study of modern Chinese. Nevertheless, each Chinese syllable can be further divided into smaller phonemes: C (consonant)-G (glide)-V (vowel)-X (coda).[34] The vowel, often considered the nucleus of the sound, and the coda are associated with the rime. Not all the units need to be present in the sound construction.

In singing, considerations should be given to all the sound units. The initial consonant (when present) must be clearly pronounced without interrupting the melodic line. Durations of glide, vowel, and coda affect not only the intelligibility but also the expressiveness of the lyrics.

__Glides, diphthongs and triphthongs

There are three glides in standard Chinese: /j/ ([y-] in pinyin and [ㄧ] in Zhuyin; sounding as “y” in “yellow”), /ɥ/ ([yu-, ㄩ], “u” in French “suis”), and /w/ ([w-, ㄨ], “w” in “word”).[35] They can be in the initial position when an initial consonant is not present; the medial position between the initial consonant and the main vowel, and the final positions.

In traditional Chinese singing, especially in Kunqǔ theater, the sound of each word is divided into head, belly, and tail.[36] After enunciating the head sound clearly, the voice should move smoothly, yet with fluctuations, through the belly and gradually round up the tail. The prenuclear glides, handled as the belly, are often elongated or sung with melodic embellishments. This is in total contrast of the western practice of deemphasizing the glides. While the traditional method can cause difficulties in understanding the texts, the western approach overstresses the main vowel and misses the characteristics of the language. Zhao Yuanren suggested a middle-of the road handling, allowing sufficient time and sound to establish the glide before moving on to the vowel.[37]

Common [GV] words include:

夜 [ye4, ㄧㄝˋ], “night”
亞 [ya3/ya4, ㄧㄚˇ / ㄧㄚˋ], “Asia”
血 [xue3, ㄒㄩㄝˇ], literary pronunciations of “blood.”[38]
月 [yue4,ㄩㄝˋ], “moon”
雪 [xue3, ㄒㄩㄝˇ], “snow”
花 [hua1, ㄏㄨㄚ], “flower(s)”
我 [wo3, ㄨㄛˇ], “Personal pronoun, I”

Similar considerations must also be given to closing diphthongs [VG] [-ai, -ei, -ao, -ou, ㄞ ㄟ ㄠ ㄡ] and triphthongs [GVG] [-uai, -uei, -iao, -iou, ㄨㄞ ㄨㄟ ㄧㄠ ㄧㄡ]. Frequently used words in these groups include:


愛 [ai4, ㄞˋ], “love”
淚 [lei4, ㄌㄟˋ] : “tear(s)”
道 [dao4, ㄉㄠˋ], verb: “to say,” “to tell;” noun: “way,” “path”
偶 [ou3, ㄡˇ]: “couple/pair,” “even numbers,” or “by chance,” “accidentally”
豆 [dou4, ㄉㄡˋ]: “bean(s)”
頭 [tou2, ㄊㄡˊ]: “head”


外 [wai4, ㄨㄞˋ]: “outside,” “foreign”
微 [wei2, ㄨㄟˊ]: “gentle”
有[iou3, ㄧㄡˇ]: “to have”
友 [iou3, ㄧㄡˇ]: “friend(s)”
遙 [iao2, ㄧㄠˊ]: “distant,” “far”
教 [jiao4,ㄐㄧㄠˋ]: “to cause,” “to tell;” [jiao1,ㄐㄧㄠ]: “to teach”

__/n/ and /ŋ/ finals

The two nasal consonants /n/ and /ŋ/, marked as “N” in phonological studies, should always be pitched in singing. While /n/ can occur in the initial and final positions, in standard phonology the /ŋ/ only occurs in the ending position.

They can be free-standing, proceeded by neutral/shallow vowels. The only character with the pronunciation /ˀɤŋ55/ [eng1, ㄥ]— 鞥, meaning “horse rein,”—is a rare word. On the contrary, words with /ən55/ [en1, ㄣ] pronunciation, such as 恩 (“favor,” “grace,” “kindness,” etc.) or 嗯 (an interjectional utterance), frequently appear in lyrics.

When the nasal consonants take place immediately after an initial consonant, e. g. 門 [men2, ㄇㄣˊ], “door;” 崩 [beng1, ㄅㄥ], “burst” or “eruption,” or 風 [fen1, ㄈㄥ], “wind,” the same shallow vowels, marked “e” in pinyin and unmarked in Zhuyin, serve as linkages. The final/nasal consonants become the hierarchical phoneme.

The same hierarchy will be given to /n/ and /ŋ/ in [VN] or [CVN] words with /i, y, u/ vowels, such as:

因 [in1, ㄧㄣ]: “cause,” “reason”
應 [ing1, ㄧㄥ]: “should;” [ing4, ㄧㄥˋ]: “to respond”
雲 [yun2, ㄩㄣˊ]: “cloud(s)”
尋 [xun2, ㄒㄩㄣˊ]: “search”
文 /wən³⁵/ , [wen2, ㄨㄣˊ]: “script,” “language,” “literature”[39]
東 /tʊŋ55/, [dong1, ㄉㄨㄥ]: “east”[40]
桐 /tʰʊŋ35/, [tong2, ㄊㄨㄥˊ]: “paulownia”

On the other hand, in words with /-ɑn/ or /-ɑŋ/ finals, the main vowel /ɑ/ shares the stresses and the duration with the nasal consonants:

安 [an1, ㄢ]: “safe,” “peaceful”
晚 [wan3, ㄨㄢˇ]: “evening,” “late”
談 [tan2, ㄊㄢˊ]: “to discuss,” “to talk,” “to converse”
難 [nan2, ㄋㄢˊ]: “difficult,” [nan4, ㄋㄢˋ): “disaster”
山 [shan1, ㄕㄢ]: “mountain(s)”
千 [qian1,ㄑㄧㄢ]: “thousand(s)”
點 [dian3, ㄉㄧㄢˇ]: “point(s),” “dot(s),” “drops”
洋 [yang2, ㄧㄤˊ]: “ocean”
想 [xiang3,ㄒㄧㄤˇ]: “to think,” “to miss [someone/something]”
江 [jiang1,ㄐㄧㄤ]: “river”
黃 [huang2, ㄏㄨㄤˊ]: “yellow”
窗 [chuang1,ㄔㄨㄤ]: “window(s)”

Zhao Yuanren quoted the phrase “月光戀愛著海洋” from 教我如何不想她 “How Can I Help [but] Thinking of You” to demonstrate proper handling of all the phonemes in each syllable/word.[41] In the following illustrations, the first line of transliteration is the original GR notation; the second one, pinyin. The dotted lines underneath the transliterations indicate the portion of the notes during which the words were not identifiable.

1. Following the western approach, quickly moving from glides to the main vowels and delaying the arrival of the final consonants.

2. Using the traditional practice, lingering on the glides and ending quickly with the vowel/finals.

3. A third method: evening out the duration of glides and vowel and adjusting the vowel sounds leading into the finals.

Judging by the lengths of the solid lines—the durations when the words are intelligible, the last execution would be the most appropriate one. The key fact is the clarification of the text—in context.

__Tones and tone sandhi

For non-native speakers, differentiating and pronouncing the Chinese tones are the most challenging part in learning the language. Even with the words set on fixed musical pitches, tonal inflections are still crucial in singing Chinese lyrics. From time to time, an unwritten slight might help to clarify the texts; from time to time, by lightening the sound, the interpreter can totally change the expression.

A “tone-letter” system devised by Zhao Yuanren and adopted by IPA can be helpful for musicians. As Zhao explained:

The total [speech] range is divided into four equal parts, thus making five points, numbered 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, corresponding to the low, half-low, medium, half-high, high, respectively. . . .

As the intervals of speech-tones are only relative intervals, the range 1–5 is taken to represent only ordinary range of speech intonation, to include cases of moderate variation of logical expression, but not to include cases of extreme emotional expression. For purposes of tone drills, each step may be taken to be a whole tone, thus making the total range equal to an augmented fifth. This would make the successive pronunciation of a number of tones sound rather unmusical, which however is rather an advantage for phonetic purposes.[42]

In standard IPA, instead of tone letters, the tonemes are represented by numbers as shown in the following diagram. The first number for each tone indicates the onset pitch; the last number, the ending. For the third tone, the pitch quickly dips from 2 to 1 before rising to 4. Thus, 媽[ma1, ㄇㄚ], “mother,” will be marked as /ma55/; 麻[ma2, ㄇㄚˊ], “hemp” or “numb,” as /ma35/; 馬 [ma3, ㄇㄚˇ], “horse,” /ma²¹⁴/; and 罵 [ma4, ㄇㄚˋ], “to scold,” “to curse,”, /ma51/. The falling character of the fourth tone is comparable to grave accents in Italian: e. g. the Italian word (“was”) is a homonym of 父 [fu4, ㄈㄨˋ], “father.” The diacritical signs used in Zhuyin and pinyin, ˉ, ˊ, ˇ, ˋ, are derived from these graphic lines.

*The five lines here represent five whole-tone steps, not intervals of thirds as in a regular musical staff.

The tone of an individual word is often modified when combined with other word(s). Phonologically, this phenomenon is called “tone sandhi.” Unmarked in neither pinyin nor Zhuyin, tone sandhi must be learned through practical applications. It occurs mostly with the third-tone words.

Full third-tone pronunciations only happen when speaking individual words. When combined with first-tone, second tone and fourth tone words, the rising segment of the tone is often omitted, creating a “half-third tone.”

When two third-tone words are linked together, the first one will be pronounced in the second tone:

你好, “How are you” [ni3-hao3, ㄋㄧˇ ㄏㄠˇ], will be pronounced [ni2-hao3, ㄋㄧˊ ㄏㄠˇ]. 手指, “finger(s)” [shou3-zhi3, ㄕㄡˇ ㄓˇ], becomes [shou2zhi3, ㄕㄡˊ ㄓˇ]

In phrases with three consecutive third-tone words, the word grouping will determine the modification procedure:

處理好 [chu3-li3-hao3, ㄔㄨˇ ㄌㄧˇㄏㄠˇ] is a three-word phrase meaning “manage well.” The first two words form a verb-phrase, 處理 “manage,” modified by the adverb 好 “well.” This results in the first two words changing into the second tone. The natural (native) pronunciation of the phrase thus becomes [chuli2 hao3, ㄔㄨˊ ㄌㄧˊ ㄏㄠˇ].

In a phrase like 小老鼠 [xiao3-lao3-shu3, ㄒㄧㄠˇ ㄌㄠˇ ㄕㄨˇ], the first character, meaning “little,” is modifying the two-word noun “mouse.” Thus, the middle character will be pronounced in the second tone. The phrase will sound like [xiao3 lao2shu3, ㄒㄧㄠˇ ㄌㄠˊ ㄕㄨˇ].

Although there are endless phrasal combinations, the contents and the stresses are always determining factors of tone modification, which take place naturally to help with the flow of the language.

Two extremely common words 不 [bu4, ㄅㄨˋ], “no,” and 一 [yi1, ㄧ], “one,” follow special tone-change procedures:

不 changes to the second tone when followed by another fourth-tone word:
不見 [bu2jiang4, ㄅㄨˊ ㄐㄧㄢˋ]: “not seeing,” “disappear”
不負 [bu2fu4, ㄅㄨˊ ㄈㄨˋ]: “not to betray”

一 as a number or as the final character of a phrase will be pronounced in the first tone:
一零一 [yi1-ling2-yi1, ㄧ ㄌㄧㄥˊ ㄧ], “101”
唯一 [wei2-yi1, ㄨㄟˊ ㄧ], “only,” “unique”

一 is pronounced in the fourth tone after words in the first-, second- and third tones:
一天 [yi4tian1, ㄧˋ ㄊㄧㄢ]: “one day”
一直 [yi4zhi2, ㄧˋㄓˊ]: “straight ahead,” or “always,” “continuous”
一點 [yi4dian3, ㄧˋㄉㄧㄢˇ]: “a little”

It changes into the second tone when proceeding a fourth-tone word:
一定 [yi2ding4, ㄧˊ ㄉㄧㄥˋ]: “for sure,” “definitely”

In spoken Chinese, there is a neutral/fifth, and often neglected, tone. Its Chinese name 輕聲 [qing1sheng1, ㄑㄧㄥ ㄕㄥ], meaning “light sound,” reflects its phonological character perfectly. Unmarked in pinyin, it is marked with a staccato sign in Zhuyin “.”[43] With no fixed pitch level, neutral sounds take place at the end of phrases.

It is used in the character 們 [men, ˙ㄇㄣ], a suffix indicating plural form; 著 [zhe, ˙ㄓㄜ], when used as an aspect particle indicating the continuity of an action; 的 [de, ˙ㄉㄜ], possessive particle; and 得. [de, ˙ㄉㄜ], adverb.

Neutral tone is used in the second character of duplicated words, such as 謝謝 [xie4xie, ㄒㄧㄝˋ ˙ㄒㄧㄝ], “thank you”, and kinship terms, such as 爸爸 [ba4ba, ㄅㄚˋ ˙ㄅㄚ], “daddy,” 媽媽 [ma1ma, ㄇㄚ ˙ㄇㄚ], “mommy,” 爺爺 [ye2ye, ㄧㄝˊ ˙ㄧㄝ], “grandpa,” 奶奶 [nai3nai, ㄋㄞˇ ˙ㄋㄞ], “grandma,” etc.

In conversations, 不and 一, when occurring in the middle of three-character phrases, are often lightened, e. g. 是不是 [shi4bushi4, ㄕˋ ˙ㄅㄨ ㄕˋ], “Isn’t it?”, 想一想 [xiang3yixiang3, ㄒㄧㄤˇ ˙ㄧ ㄒㄧㄤˇ], “think about it.”

While the application of the neutral tone is not as crucial in phonological procedure, the appreciation of such words/phrases can have greatly enhance musical interpretation.


In northern dialects, especially colloquial Beijing dialect, a vowelized “r” /ɚ/ is often attached to the end of words as a diminutive suffix. This procedure is name by its sound as 兒化 /ˀɤɻ³⁵ xwä⁵¹/ [er2hua4, ㄦˊㄏㄨㄚˋ]. The rhotacism can result in: 1) elimination or nasalization of final consonants, or 2) modification of nuclear vowel sounds. Similar sounds can be found in American English such as “-er” in “butter,” “-ir-” in “shirt,” and “-ear” in “tear.

Commonly used in daily conversations, erhua also appears in literary works as indications of intimacy. Liu Bannong 劉半農 included two erhua phrases in “How Can I Help [but] Thinking of You:”

. . . . 水底魚兒慢慢游。

[Little] fish swim leisurely down below.

. . . . 啊! 西天還有些兒殘霞,

Ah! [Little bit of] twilight glows are still lingering on the western sky.

Since these “兒” characters are part of the verse structure, they are most often set to fixed pitches and note values in musical settings. It will be appropriate to release the sound gently to reflect the phonological character as well as the expressions.

So, how should Li Qingzhoa’s “守著窗兒,獨自怎生得黑!” be handled?

[1] In addition to the Han languages, there were hundreds of minority languages.
[2] Sinitic_languages_Wiki, Varieties_of_Chinese_Wiki
[3] Chao Yuen Ren, Xin shi ge ji新詩歌集, revised edition, (Taipei, Taiwan shang wu yin shu gua 臺灣商務印書館, 1960), 9.
[4] The “Preparatory Commission for the Unification of the National Language” was created in 1919. It was restructured and renamed as the Preparatory Committee in 1928.
[5]Early in the development of language unification, a system combining both northern and southern mandarins (Wu) was propositioned. This “old national pronunciation” was closer to Middle Chinese, influenced by the rhyme dictionary Zhongyuan Yinyun 中原音韻. It retained the checked/entering tone.
A pronunciation dictionary Guoyu Cidian國音字典, using Zhuying transliterations 注音符號, was published in 1920.
[6] The character, when used as a verb, meaning “return,” is also pronounced [huan2].
[7] Xin shi ge ji, 54.
[8] In pinyin or Romanization, the pronunciation is marked as [le]. The schwa IPA is used here for clarification.
[9] 得
[10] 的
[11] 和
[12] Colloquially, it could be pronounced in the second tone, [huó2].
[13] 更
[14]Although the pinyin for 更 is spelled “geng,” the IPA symbol /k/ reflects the voiceless consonant more appropriately. The vowel /ɤ/ is further back from /ə/. See further explanations below.
[15] 曲 The sound of [u] in pinyin is similar to “ü” in German.
[16] Standard_Chinese_phonology_Wiki, Help:IPA/Mandarin_Wiki
[17] Romanization_of_Chinese_Wiki
[18] Wade-Giles_Wiki
[19] Yale_romanization_of_Mandarin_Wiki. The Yale system is widely used in teaching Cantonese. It is also the standard romanization of Korean.
[20] 駁中國用萬國新語説
[21] Katakana_Wiki, Seal_script_Wiki
[23] Aka Wu Jingheng 吳敬恆.
[24] 注音符號_Wiki, Bopomofo_Wiki
[25] Gwoyeu_Romatzyh_Wiki, 國語羅馬字, Spelling_in_Gwoyeu_Romatzyh_Wiki
[26] Xin shi ge ji, 56-59.
[27] Further modifications will apply to certain letter/vowel combinations.
[28] Mandarin Primer and Grammar of Spoken Chinese
[29] Shaan-Gan-Ning_Border_Region_Wiki
[30] John DeFrancis, The Chinese Language: Fact and Fantasy, paperback. (Honolulu, University of Hawaii Press, 1986), 254.
[31] The basic spelling of these consonants in GR are: [jy-, chy-, shy-,ry-, tzy, tsy, sy.] In GR, the [j-, ch-, and sh- ] initials, when combined with “I,” become the equivalences of [ji-, qi-, xi-] in pinyin, and ㄐ ㄑ ㄒin Zhuyin.
[32] One of the major phonological changes between the Late Middle and modern Chinese was the devoicing of consonances.
[33] Fanqie_Wiki
[34] The X (code) can be a non-vocalic consonant or a glide.
[35] The Zhuyin symbols are used for the allophonic vowels: /i/, /y/, and /u/. The /ɥ/ glide can be considered as a lighter and shorter /y/, the German “ü.”
[36] 字頭, 字腹, and 字尾.
[37] Xin shi ge ji, 55.
[38] The colloquial/spoken pronunciation of 血 is [xie3, ㄒㄧㄝˇ]
[39] In ㄨㄣ(/u/+/n/) combination, as the tongue moves slightly inward, the glide turns into a schwa, which is spelt as an “e” in pinyin and unmarked in Zhuyin.
[40] The phonological procedure of theㄨㄥ (/u/+/ŋ/) combinations begins with the /w/ glide, which opens to an /ʊ/ vowel before reaching the final. Thus, it is spelt with as [-ong] in pinyin
[41] The word 光 was original set to e-g-sharp. Zhao omitted the second note for the convenience of discussion. In the GR transliteration, the “h” in [yueh] and the second “n” in [liann] are tone indicators—fourth tone here. [Ay] was the fourth tone modified spelling of the basic [ai] sound; [hae,] the third of [hai.]
[42] Tone_letter_Wiki
Y. R. Chao, “ə sistim əv ‘toun-letəz’” [“A System of ‘Tone-Letters”], Le Maître Phonétique Vol. 8 (45), No. 30 (avril-juin, 1930), 25.
[43] The staccato sign appears in front of the symbols in Zhuyin.