Voices of Awakening

Chinese Art Songs

Finding a voice: Chinese art songs
Two rivers and a wall (I): The Yellow River 黃河
Two rivers and a wall (II): The Yangtze River 長江
Two rivers and a wall (III): The Great Wall 萬里長城
All about Confucius
Chinese Poetry (I): Classic of Poetry 詩經
Chinese Poetry (II): More about “Guanju”
Chinese Poetry (III): Songs of Chu 楚辭
Chinese Poetry (IV): “Song of the Yue Boatman” 越人歌
Chines Poetry (V): Han and Jian’an
Chinese Poetry (VI): Transition and Transformation
Chinese Poetry (VII): Tang Poetry
Chinese Poetry (VIII): Three Refrains of Yangguan 陽關三疊
Chinese Poetry (IX): Ci—Lyric Verses
Chinese Poetry (X): The Great River Flows Eastwards 大江東去
Chinese Poetry (XI): Autumn Sentiments 聲聲慢
Chinese Poetry (XII): A Love Song 卜算子
Chinese Poetry (XIII): Turning Point
Chinese Poetry (XIV): Verses of Red Beans 紅豆詞
Chinese Poetry (XV): Revolutions
Chinese Poetry (XVI): How Can I Help but Think of Her? 教我如何不想她
Chinese Poetry (XVII): Chance Encounter 偶然
Musical Settings (I): Introduction
Musical Settings (II): Words, Tone and Music
Musical Settings (III): Diction
Musical Settings (IV): “The Great River Flows Eastwards,” The Song
Musical Settings (V): “I Live Near the Headwaters of the Long River,” The Song
Musical Settings (VI): Xiao Youmei 蕭友梅 and Yi Weizhai 易韋齋
Musical Settings (VII): “Questions” 問
Musical Settings (VIII): “How Can I Help but Think of Her,” The Song
Musical Settings (IX): “Listening to the Rain” 聽雨
(To be continued)