
I spent hours mulching the front garden. (One gets bagged mulch in Manhattan since there is no place to store shredded wood chips in bulk.) I moved the bags to the flower beds and, carefully, applied mulch around the base of plants. Some of them were showing signs of dormancy; others were fighting to stay active as long as possible. The moist, slightly fermenting smell of chips quickly filled the air.

As I worked around the yard, I also cleared away end-of-the-cycle annuals and fatigue perennials that were no longer productive. In their places, I put down a few new bulbs—just the standard daffodils and tulips. I fed flowering plants for the last time before next year. Fellow gardeners on neighboring property were also busy preparing for upcoming seasons. We took a break exchanging greetings and discussing our plans for next year.

Every autumn, when I pile mulch up around the shrubs and trees, I do so with faith. I trust that blanketed under a few extra inches of protection, in the darkness, roots dormant comfortably. In their dreams, they quietly accumulate strength. So, when the east wind kisses the earth again, they will reach out for new territory like children rushing to the playgrounds.

Every autumn, when I cover the newly planted bulbs with soil, I do so with hope. I hope that, with good appetite, they feast on the food that I offered. I hope that the darkness does not frighten them. I hope that they are ready to put on colorful garments when snow melts.

And, the worms—my little friends who I rarely see. . . I pray that, with mulch and new soil, I have brought them a little more wiggle room. I know that their gentle massages bring comforts to my plants, letting them know that they are not alone in the darkness.

I ask myself if I tend to my life with same kind of care. Do I do so with the same kind of faith and hope? When uncertainty comes, am I strong enough to survive the darkness and the icy surroundings? Thankfully, I never stop finding inspiring things that enrich my soul. Thankfully, there are always people who care for me, who push me forward with exuberant cries of “coraggio.” I trust that there are always brighter days ahead.

Greenmarket at Union Square

This entry is part 3 of 3 in the series Markets

One of my favorite things to do in summer and autumn is to visit the Greenmarket at Union Square. There are many farmers markets around the five boroughs of New York City on any given day of the week. Yet, there is something magical about Union Square Greenmarket.

It’s a gathering place for shoppers of all ages and ethnics. I like looking down to the market from the windows of stores nearby. Surrounded by busy streets, the Square is an oasis of calmness. Shoppers stream along the northwestern corner of the park, like colorful threads weaving out a beautiful tapestry. Framed by the vendors on both sides, the moment of the crowd, even on the busiest day, is never hurried. Chatters amongst the shoppers and exchanges of deals create a collective hum, quietly drowning the sounds of city traffic.

It’s a gathering place for gourmets and locavores. Everything was brought in from places within driving distance to the city. New varieties of herbs and vegetables are being introduced. Artisan cheeses and bread are free for sampling. Vintners elaborating on their new productions are quick to offer a taste.

It’s a gathering place for creative souls. Chefs of high-end restaurants line up tasting menus with the best harvests of the season. Weavers and knitters visualize new designs with hand-dyed organic yarns. Photographers stroll around with their equipment catching the right moment for good shots. Writers, mingled with the crowd, are watching out and listening in for new stories.

Before the convenience of modern transportation, people in rural areas would gather at a central location on fixed dates to exchange goods—forming a market. These marketplaces were called 市集 in Chinese. Since they only took place once in a while, one must hurry to the locations: 趕集. Greenmarket at Union Square is an internationally known market that opens four days a week all year round. But, for busy New Yorkers or foreign visitors, it does take a bit of effort to be there at the right time when the supplies are fresh.

Let’s go to the market. 趕集去吧!