The month of December, as well as the year of 2018, quietly slipped away. Within a few hours, there will be new calendars on the walls, bringing with them new responsibilities and new deadlines.
Growing up, lunar New Year was the real deal. There would be plenty specialty foods, gifts, banquets and entertainments. On the contrary, January 1 was no more than a school holiday. Yet, we learned to make a New Year’s Resolution. Mom often made me write it down, not just in a few words but more like a proposal, as if it would really help me to achieve the goal. In most cases, I was sincere about bettering myself in the new year.
Living in the city known for the midnight ball-drop, it is impossible to not feel the excitement in the air as the moment approaching. Perhaps because of my childhood experience, other than exchange greetings with friends, I like to take the moment to reflect as well as to set forth plans in the coming months.
Starting the blog was the most rewarding experiences in 2018. More than a depository of my thoughts, it also became a bridge between me and friends/colleagues. Writing gives me a chance to untangle my thoughts. It brings me joy and calmness. I like to thank everyone who encourage me and give me suggestions. It will be my wish to bring about intercultural communication, to excite curiosity and to inspire creativity.

Happy 2019.