The Cloisters overlooking the Hudson River. On the left side, a section of the New Jersey Palisades can be seen. Miles of the cliffs were purchased by private donors to preserve the natural view from the Cloisters. Also seen in the distance is the new Tappan Zee (Governor Mario M. Cuomo) Bridge.
Entrance: Froville Arcade; top: three large windows of Late Gothic Hall.
Southern wall below Bonnefont Cloister with Gothic Chapel on the far left.
Exterior of Fuentidueña Apes
Fuentidueña Apse; interior
Doorway 1; Romanesque Hall: French, mid-15th century in part; completed in the 19th-20th centuryDoorway 2 with oak door, Romanesque Hall: French; 15th century Doorway 3, Romaneque Hall: From north-eastern France; early 16th centuryDoorway 4; Romanesque Hall: French; mid-15th century.
North Corridor, Cuxa Cloister; Main Portal/Church of San Vincente at Frias: Spain, Castile-León, early 13th century: 80 pieces of fragments were used in the reconstruction of this portal.
Cuxa Cloister: northeastern coner
Cuxa Cloister: West corridorCuxa Cloister: East corridorPontaut Chapter House: Notre-Dame-de-Pontaut, south of Bordeaux, early 12th centurySint-Guilhem Cloister: Benedictine abbey of St.-Guilhem-le-Désert. Gothic Windows 1Gothic Windows 2